Here goes my next blog. Hope you enjoy.
I was doing some studying the other day in 1Corinthians 9 on self-denial, and the verse that jumped out at me was v.27. I have studied this verse before but this time it I read it with new meaning. I used Pastor John McArthur's commentary for this personal study and something he said, commenting on 1Cor 9:27, spoke to me. Paul says in this verse that he brings his body under subjection. Well to what? To the Holy Spirit. In the previous verses Paul used the illustration of the athlete running a race.
Dr. McArthur made the point that what an athlete must do is control his body with his mind. He must get up early in the morning, control what he eats, and regulate his lifestyle so that he can train properly for the race to come. We are in this type of situation, as Paul pointed out in the earlier verses. We must control our body as Paul did so that we may be found faithful in our walk with Jesus Christ. Many times I do not control my body with my mind, but control my mind with my body. If my body wants to sleep, I sleep even though I know that I need to get up. If I feel hungry, I eat though I am supposed to be regulating my diet.
You may have noticed some similarities between you and me. Your thinking,'we are alike', and that is true but it is because we are sinful human beings. It is only by God's grace that we are able to control our bodily lusts or desires, even if I just want a bowl of cereal.
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